Support the Fundraising for a Collection of Baroque Instruments for Students!
See update below
The Baroque Community and Educational Trust of New Zealand is on a mission to build a collection of period instruments for students. We are seeking to raise $40,000 to achieve this goal. Excess funds raised will contribute to the ongoing maintenance of these instruments.
We have cooperated with the University of Canterbury for five years, educating, training and providing performance opportunities for young talented NZ musicians. We would like to deepen this educational experience by allowing the students to rehearse and perform on period instruments so that they can more authentically explore the roots of western music. Period instruments are a very important tool for learning and understanding structure and the sound architecture of music.
Help us make authentic Baroque ensemble concerts with students a reality in New Zeal and!
In the first phase, we will acquire 8 violins, 3 violas, 2 cellos and 1 double bass (including bows and cases) and special gut strings for all instruments.

Sponsor Individual Instruments
Violin- $1000
Viola - $2000
Cello - $3000
Double bass - $5000
​donate towards acquiring
strings and maintaining instruments
To honor patrons we will place your name or the name of your donating institution, on the instrument cases and there will be an opportunity to have a calligrapher write the names carefully on the inside of the instruments.
To sponsor an instrument, please contact us at bmcetnz@gmail.com to arrange bank transfer and receipt.
For direct donations, please wire the funds to:
Baroque Music Community and Educational Trust of New Zealand
The Baroque Music Community and Educational Trust of New Zealand is a charitable trust. A receipt will be issued for all donations. All donors will be entitled to a tax rebate or refund equal to a third of the total donation.
Help to create inspiring opportunities for younger generation of New Zealand musicians!
We have raised enough funds to purchase all the instruments, cases and bows, however we are still welcoming support for ongoing upkeep costs and strings. We have instruments available for sponsorship. This is an opportunity to have a calligrapher write your name or business name carefully on the inside of the instruments as a memento to your generosity.
021 075 7791
Registration Number (Charitable Trust)